Saturday, March 29, 2008

NetVeda Safety.Net firewall

NetVeda Safety.Net firewall
http://www.netveda. com/consumer/ safetynet. htm
Download link:
http://www.netveda. com/downloads/ index.htm
Author: NetVeda
Current version: 3.8.1
Version date: October 7th, 2007
Download file size: 4.31MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/ XP
Additional software required: None
64 Bit capable: No
Portable version available: No
Non-English languages supported: No
Other relevant information: 

Jetico Firewall

Jetico Firewall
http://www.jetico. com/jpfirewall. htm
Download link:
http://www.jetico. com/jpfirewall. htm
Author: Jetico, Inc.
Current version:
Version date: July 19, 2005
Download file size: 2.67MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/ XP
Additional software required: None
64 Bit capable: Yes
Portable version available: No
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: 

Online Armor Personal Firewall V2

Online Armor Personal Firewall V2
http://www.tallemu. com/product_ overview. html
Download link:
http://www.tallemu. com/downloads. html
Author: Tall Emu Pty Ltd
Current version:
Version date: November 16, 2007
Download file size: 14.9MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows NT/2000/XP
Additional software required: None
64 Bit capable: No
Portable version available: No
Non-English languages supported: No

Comodo firewall

Comodo firewall
http://www.personal firewall.
Download link:
http://www.personal firewall. download_ firewall. html
Author: Comodo Group
Current version:
Version date: January 11, 2008
Download file size: 9.08MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows Xp/Vista
Additional software required: No
64 Bit capable: Yes
Portable version available: No
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: Version 2.4 is available for Windows 2000

Sunbelt-Kerio Personal Firewall

 Sunbelt-Kerio Personal Firewall
http://www.sunbelt- software. com/Home- Home-Office/ Sunbelt-Personal -Firewall/
Download link:
http://www.sunbelt- software. com/Home- Home-Office/ Sunbelt-Personal -Firewall/
Author: Sunbelt Software
Current version: 4.5.916
Version date: April 26, 2007
Download file size: 6.27MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP
Additional software required: None
64 Bit capable: No
Portable version available: No
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: 

Spyware Doctor Starter Edition

Spyware Doctor Starter Edition
http://www.pctools. com/spyware- doctor/google_ pack/
Download link: .com/Spyware- Doctor-Starter- Edition/3000- 8022_4-10704508. html
Author: PC Tools
Current version:
Version date: November 12, 2007
License: Freeware
Download File size: 14.72MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 2000/2003/XP/ Vista
Additional Software Required: None
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: None

Spyware Terminator

Spyware Terminator
http://www.spywaret erminator. com
Download link:
http://www.spywaret erminator. com/download/ download. aspx
Author: Crawler, LLC
Current version:
Version date: September 27, 2007
License: Freeware
Download File size: 8.51MB
Operating Systems Supported: 98/Me/NT/2000/ XP/2003 Server/Vista
Additional Software Required: None
64 Bit Capable: Yes
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: At least 10 MB of free hard drive space/ 2.1 beta released 1/12/2008

Microsoft Windows Defender

Microsoft Windows Defender
Author: Microsoft
Current version: 1593
Version date: May 23, 2007
License: Freeware
Download File size: 4.9MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows Server 2003 sp1 & sp2/Windows XP sp2
Additional Software Required: None
64 Bit Capable: Yes
Portable Version Available: No
Additional Software Required: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: Genuine Microsoft Windows Validation Required

Google Pack

Google Pack
Website: http://pack. intl/en/pack_ installer. html?hl=en&gl=us
Download link: http://pack. intl/en/pack_ installer. html?hl=en&gl=us
Author: Google
Current version: 2.2.940.34809
Version date: August 28, 2007
License: Freeware
Download File size: 845KB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows XP or Vista
Additional Software Required: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later or Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or later
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English languages supported: Yes
Other relevant information: None


Author: Softwin
Date: 8/23/2007
Version: 8.0
Download File size: 13.18B
License: Freeware with registration
Operating systems supported: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/ 2000/XP/Vista
64 Bit Capable: no
Portable version available: yes
Other languages supported: yes
Additional Software Required: no


http://www.avast. com/eng/avast_ 4_home.html
Author: Alwil Software
Date: 01/12/2008
Version: 4.7
Download File size:18.0MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/ 2000/XP/Vista
64 Bit Capable: yes
Portable version available: no
Other languages supported: yes
Additional Software Required: no

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Remove SHORTCUT link from the desktop folder

how to remove short cut arrows on u'r desktop items just go to start>run>regedit>hkey_classes_root
you willfind a file by name lnkfile click on that to that right you can see a file by name is shortcut delete that and again come to left click on pipfile you delete again is shortcut then restart the pc you cant see the shortcut arrow

Create A Hidden User Account

This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000. #[Start] [Run] [Regedit]#Registry Key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList#Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.#Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden#Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]#Exit Registry and Reboot...

While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups

Recover the lost administrators password in Windows XP

Slightly more work needed if you lose or forget the Windows XP administrator password.

1.First reboot Windows XP in safe mode by re-starting the computer and pressing F8 repeated as the computer starts up.

2.Then (in safe mode) click Start and then click Run. In the open box type "control userpasswords2" without the quotes - I have just used quotes to differentiate what you have to type.

3.You will now have access to all the user accounts, including the administrators account and will be able to reset the lost password.

4.Just click the administrators user account, and then click Reset Password.

5.You will need to add a new password in the New password and the Confirm new password boxes, and confirm by clicking OK.

All done, you have recovered the lost adminitrators password!

Keeping the Windows XP Core in the RAM

If you have 512 MB or more of RAM, you can increase system performance by having the Windows XP 'Core' kept in the RAM instead of paged on the hard disk.

Go to Start -> Run - Type regedit and press enter - On the left hand side tree, navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\

- On the list on the right side, look for an entry called 'DisablePagingExecutive'

- Double click it

- Press 1 on your keyboard

- Click OK

- Exit regedit and reboot the computer

To revert to the default setting, follow the same steps as above, but this time, press 0(zero) instead of 1 on the keyboard.

Remove Thumb.db file

Thumb.db is is a cache of the current picture in that remove it go for following

step1 > open "WINDOWS EXPLORER".

2>go to "TOOLS".


4>go to "VIEW".

5>see 1st section "FILES & FOLDERS".

6>click on the "DO NOT CACHE THUMBNAILS".

now the thumbnail file will be removed from ur computer once u do this the file will be never created.

Monday, March 17, 2008

AVG Anti Virus

Website: http://free.
Author: Grisoft
Date: 12/20/2007
Version :7.5.516
Download File size:31.5MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/ XP/Vista
64 Bit Capable: no
Portable version available: no
Other languages supported: no
Additional Software Required: no


Author: Avira
Date: 01/12/2008
Download File size: 20.3MB
License: Freeware
Operating systems supported:  Windows 95/98/Me/NT/ 2000/XP/Vista
64 Bit Capable: yes
Portable version available: no
Other languages supported: yes
Additional Software Required: no


Author: amutch, boisso, kkohler, ron_aegis, ulferikson 
Current Version: 1.1.3
Version Date: 11/26/2007
License: Free GNU General Public License
Download file size: 5.2 MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 95-Vista
Additional Software Required: None
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English Languages Supported: German, French, Spanish, Russian
Other Relevant Information: None

This software category is maintained by volunteer editor Joe Bennett. If you have any suggestions for alterations or additions to this item then you can contact Joe at joe@techsupportaler


Website: http://www.avantbro
Download Link: .com/Avant- Browser/3000- 2356_4-10150342. html
Author: Avant Force
Current Version: 11.5 build 21
Version Date: 9/30/2007
License: Free
Download file size: 1.85 MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 95-Vista
Additional Software Required: At least MS Internet Explorer 5.5
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: Yes -
http://dl.filekicke file/184227- Z37W/avant. exe
Non-English Languages Supported: Many
Other Relevant Information: None


Website: http://www.maxthon. com/
Download Link:
http://www.maxthon. com/download. htm
Author: Maxthon (Beijing) Ltd.
Current Version: 2.07
Version Date: 12/28/2007
License: Free
Download file size: 2.9 MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 98-Vista
Additional Software Required: At least MS Internet Explorer 6
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English Languages Supported: Many - Available via downloadable language packs
Other Relevant Information: None


Website: http://www.opera. com/
Download Link:
http://www.opera. com/download/
Author: Opera Software
Current Version: 9.25
Version Date: 1/15/2008
License: Free
Download file size: 4.7 MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 95-Vista, Mac OS 7.5-OS X, Various Linux Distros, OS/2, QNX, Various Mobile Phones, and Palm OS 5
Additional Software Required: None
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English languages Supported: Many - Available via downloadable language files
Other relevant information:
Opera Language Files:
http://www.opera. com/download/ languagefiles/

Mozilla Firefox

Website: http://www.mozilla. org/
Download Link:
http://www.mozilla. org/products/ firefox/
Author: Mozilla Corp.
Current version:
Version date: 12/3/2007
License: Free - Mozilla Public License
Download File size: 5.75 MB
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 98-Vista, OS-X, Various Linux Distros
Additional Software Required: None
64 Bit Capable: No
Portable Version Available: No
Non-English languages supported: Many; Available via downloadable language packs
Other relevant information:
Firefox Extensions:
https://addons. en-US/firefox/ browse/type: 1
IE to Firefox Migration Guide:
http://www.techsupp ortalert. com/firefox. htm
Changing the Language Pack:
http://support. kb/Changing+ the+language+ pack

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Disable The Booting Logo in Windows XP

One can remove the boot logo that appears when you start Windows XP. This littletweak saves a few seconds of your boot time, but seconds count if you are serious about trying to get Windows XP up and running as quickly as possible. The only negative is that if you remove the boot logo, you will also not see any boot messages, such as check disk.

To remove the boot logo, follow these steps:

1. Select Start-->Run, type msconfig, and click OK.
2. In the System Configuration Utility, click the BOOT.INI tab.
3. On the BOOT.INI tab, click the NOGUIBOOT check box option. Click OK.
4. Restart your computer to check the results.

Navigating Windows Explorer By Keyboard

Many people like navigating by keyboard. It can sometimes be faster and more efficient then using a mouse once you get the hang of it. Here’s two useful shortcuts that may help in that regard.

To open up Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer), simply hold the Windows key and press E. No matter where you are, this will open Windows Explorer.

To navigate up and down, simply use the arrow keys.

To open and close subfolders use the * and - keys on the num pad. Note that these shortcut keys open and close *all* subfolders on the selected folder, not just one level, so if you have a lot of files and subfolders, opening them may take a few moments.

To open only one level of subfolders, use the + key on the num pad.

Reveal TinyURL Links

While TinyURLs can sometimes be handy and short and pretty to pass around and post in your blog, they also effectively hide the original URL. What this means, is that sometimes, people can hide all sorts of URLs behind it, including those you may not really want to visit.

Here are two ways you can unmask those URLs.

Whenever you visit a page that has TinyURLs on it, click the bookmarked link, and it will replace all the TinyURLs with their actual URLs. You can visit the author’s site for this tool here:

The second way is go directly to the TinyURL site and click the “enable previews” link:

You can also bookmark the enable link directly:

You will have to have cookies enabled for this to work. Basically, what it does is visit the TinyURL website when you click on a TinyURL, show you what the actual link looks like, and at which time, you can choose whether or not you really want to visit the link.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Size - 3.1 MB

Download Link -

Using Cube Desktop You Will Have 6 Desktops On Your Screen , They Will Be Six Sides A Cube , Which Can Be Moved By Mouse

You Can Set Different Wallpapers , Icons , Themes On These Desktops

Also You Can Keep Different Tasks Running On All The 6 Desktops

Works Fine With Windows XP , Vista

Band Width Meter Version 3.1.2

A Usefull Software To Keep Track On Internet Bandwidth

Size - 1.8 MB

Download Link -

Keeps Record Of Download Usage And Upload Usage ( And Total Of Them ) In 5 Tabs ( Hourly , Daily , Weekly , Monthly , Yearly ) Individually

Usefull For Those Users who Have Limited Download Size For Specific Period

Also We Can Exclude Some Time From It , So That In That Peiod It Will Measure Nothing ( Usefull For Night Unlimited Users )

Working Fine With Both XP And Vista

X-Box 360 Theme For Windows XP

X-Box 360 Theme For Windows XP

Not Tested On Windows Vista ,

Working Fine On Windows XP

Installs X-Box 360 Theme On Your Windows XP

To Change It ( Apply It ) , No Need Of Any Software Like Windowblinds

Theme Is In 5 Different Colour Appearances

Download it from here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Access your PC Remotely

If you want is to control a remote PC (remote desktop), you can do that for free.
So, you want to use to help a member of your family with a computer problem? Have them do the following:

1.Surf on over to

2.Have them create a new account. They should select the LogmeIn Free account for Personal Remote Access.

3.Once registration is complete, they need to install the LogMeIn software to their computer. It will be a small software module which runs as a service under Windows.

4.Next, they need to send you the username and password to their account. You will also need the password they chose to secure their computer.

5.Log into their account and you will see their computer there on the list. Click on it, enter the password for the computer, and you will soon be looking right at their desktop.

You can then control the PC as if you were sitting right in front of it. And, they will be able to watch you as you control the computer. They will see their mouse cursor moving around and see everything you are doing. The LogMeIn connection is secure, so you don’t have to worry about anybody spying on what you’re doing.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bookmark And Organize Your Log Files

If you are a system administrator who has to keep up with various tasks via log files, a great way to quickly access them is via your browser bookmarks. I have found Internet Explorer to be the best for this , so here is what you need to do:

1. Open IE and type in the network location of your log file, for example: file://servername/c$/logs/programlog.txt (note: c$ is a built-in hidden share available only to a Windows Domain Administrator).
2. The log file contents should open in IE.
3. Add this location to your favorites.
4. Repeat 1-3 for all your log files.
5. Go to the Organize Favorites section in IE.
6. Create a new favorites folder and place all your log bookmarks in them.
7. Now when you open your favorites, you can click on the “folder arrow” to open all your log files in separate tabs at once.

This is a great time saver for open several log files at once without having to navigating to each on or remote connecting to the server.

Friday, January 25, 2008

How To Shutdown Linux on a Timer?

This is a relatively simple tip, but if you’re new to Linux you might not be familiar with it. I don’t believe there is a built-in feature for doing this within Gnome or KDE, but this uses the command line so it will work in any environment.
This is quite simple to implement. You will need to open the command line to use this, but don’t fear! You don’t need to know anything about how to use the command line. In fact, I’ll even tell you how to make a handy little button for this.

If you’re comfortable with the linux terminal, you might already know that you can type halt on the command line and your computer will immediately shut down. Well, halt has a sibling command called shutdown which has a little bit more intelligence and features built into it. Shutdown is the command that we’ll be using here. First you’ll need to bring up your terminal.
If you’re running Ubuntu go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal. Now you should have a command prompt. Here’s an example of the command if you want to shut down in 30 minutes:

sudo shutdown -h +30

Sudo means you need to temporarily become admin in order to shut down the system - so you will be prompted for your password. -h tells shutdown that you want to halt the system as opposed to restarting it. +30 means you’re specifying 30 minutes on the timer. The other way to specify the time is to say exactly what time you want the system to shutdown. It’s in 24-hour time, so if you want the system to shutdown at 9:30PM, here’s the command:

sudo shutdown -h 21:30

Again, this will probably ask you for your password. If you want to cancel the shutdown, you can try typing Ctrl+C in the terminal where you issued the shutdown, or if that doesn’t work then you can manually issue a shutdown cancel like this:

sudo shutdown -c

Make your PC shutdown at a time u wish

This may be help to you if have the habit of listening to songs and sleeping or if you are planning to download some thing.
By These Methods Your Pc Will be automatically shutdown after a predefined time …No tension of shutdown the Pc..
Here is the trick!!
To Make A Shutdown Timer!


Go to Start > run> Type

shoutdown -s -t XX ( XX is the time period in second before the shut down)

Example:If you want it to shutdown your pc after 1 hour set it to 3600 (seconds) in XX

shutdown -s -t 3600 (Shut down time will be set to 1 hour)

If you want to cancel the shutdown timer Go to Start > run> Type

shutdown -a


The easiest way to further manipulate the processes of shutdown, restart or logoff of your PC is by this..

Go to Start > run> Type

shutdown -i
By doing this the following window will popup and you got a better control of your PC.


1. Right click on your desktop and make a new Shortcut.
2. Type shutdown -s -t 1200 (1200 is the time period in second before the shut down)
3. Name your shortcut. Just Like ShutPC
4. U Can Change the icon (right click the icon and click Properties, then Change Icon)
5. To activate the timer, just double click this icon.

You may want to create another icon to deactivate the timer.
1. Right click on the desktop and make another shortcut.
2. Type shutdown -a
3. Name the shortcut. e.g. "XshutPC"
4. Again,U can change the icon if you like.
5. Double click this icon to deactivate the timer.


open Notepad and Type
shutdown -s -t
Save the file as Shutdown.bat
To activate the timer, just double click this icon.

Add Safe Mode to Boot menu

Safe Mode is most commonly used for troubleshooting purposes. If you find yourself booting to safe mode often. You may find it helpful to include the option for safe mode in your boot menu. Below, is a method you can use to save yourself from having to press F8 during startup to access Safe Mode:
Right click My Computer and click Properties.
Click the Advanced tab.
Under Start Up and Recovery, click the Settings button.
Click Edit. The boot.ini file will open in Notepad.

Copy the line that reads as follows: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WIND
OWS=”Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /fastdetect.

Paste the line you just copied after the original one.
Change the copied line from “Microsoft Windows XP Professional” to “Windows XP Safe Mode” or something similar.
At the end of this line add the following: /safeboot:minimal /sos /bootlog.
Save the boot.ini file by clicking File then Save.
Restart your computer and Safe Mode should be available at the boot menu.
Note: Your actual Boot.INI may vary to a small degree. The above is an example only. Be sure to copy your boot.ini file prior to making any changes to it.

Stop your modem from frequently disconnecting

On the Desk Top Double click on the icon "My Computer"

Double click on Dial Up Networking

Right click on the Satyam Online icon (or the dialer that you are using) and select Properties on the menu-> click on configure

Click on the Connection Tab and click on Advanced, in Extra Settings, type as 10=250

Then it will be done....

10 tips for securing your PC

1. Update / patch ALL your software every now and then!

2. Check / adjust ALL your settings so they are safe, since they ARENT by default!

3. Use firewall, like ZoneAlarm!

4. Use good passwords: at least 13marks long, containing both letters and numbers. Remember to chance your password every few months atleast!

5. Get good anti-virus & Spyware softwares and keep it updated!

6. Don’t open or execute files that you are not 100% sure are absolutely safe no matter where or how you get them.

7. Wipe your historyfiles (like cookies, internet history and temporary files, etc.), logs and personal files, with specific wiping program (like Eraser) instead of just deleting them.

8. Use encryption to enhance your privacy! Use encrypted email (like Hushmail or Ziplip) and encrypt sensitive files on your computer (PGP).

9. Don’t use public computers for anything you need to type in your logins, they usually have Trojan horses that capture your passwords.

10. Don’t assume anything. If you don’t know, find out! If you cant or don’t understand, ask someone who knows! There’s nothing more dangerous than doing something you don’t really know anything about. That’s the best way to cripple your system or get a Trojan horse on your computer!

Friday, January 11, 2008


Net Send command is used to send messages to other users, computers, or messaging names on the network. The Messenger service must be running to receive messages; it is automatically enabled when you install windows. You can send a message only to a name that is active on the network.

Messenger Services can be used to send advertisements and spam to vulnerable machines on a network. A box will pop up on your screen with the text "Messenger Services" at the top, but the text will be an ad for a product or service interrupting whatever you're doing on the computer at the time.

To make sure this doesn't happen to you, just take the following steps:

Windows 2000

1. Click Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services
2. Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
3. Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
4. Click the STOP button.
5. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar
6. Click OK

Windows XP

1. Click Start -> Control Panel
2. Click Performance and Maintenance
3. Click Administrative Tools
4. Double click Services
5. Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
6. Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
7. Click the STOP button.
8. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar
9. Click OK

Net Send Command

Net Send {name | * | /DOMAIN | /USERS} Message

Name Is the username, computer name, or messaging name to send the message to. If the name is a computer name that contains blank characters, enclose the alias in quotation marks (" ").

* Sends the message to all the names in your group.

/DOMAIN Sends the message to all the names in the workstation domain. If name is specified, the message is sent to all the names in the specified domain or workgroup.

/USERS Sends the message to all users connected to the server.

Message Is text to be sent as a message.

Total Video Converter

Convert all video files to 3gp,mp4,psp,iPod,swf,flv,dvd,vcd,avi...

Total Video Converter is a complete solution for video conversion which supports reading, playing all kinds of video and audio formats and converting them to the popular video formats. Total Video Converter includes a powerful media conversion engine internally so that you can convert media files with very fast speed.

Main Features:
l Convert all kinds of videos to mobile videos or audios (mp4, 3gp, xvid, divx mpeg4 avi, amr audio) which are used by cellphone, PDA, PSP, iPod;
2 High compatibility and high efficiency for Importing RMVB or RM video/audio;
3 Convert various videos to MPEG videos compatible with standard DVD/SVCD/VCD;
4 Rip DVD to popular videos of all sorts;
5 Convert various videos to SWF, FLV Macromedia video;
6 Extract audio from various of videos and convert which to all kinds of audios (mp3, ac3, ogg, wav, aac);
7 RIP CD to audios of all sorts directly.

Support All popular video and audio formats:
ogm,mkv,ds m,vob,mp4,ra,rm,ram,amr, 3gp,3gp2,3g2,3gpp,psp,flv,fli,flc,rmvb,rpm,gif,ifo ,mp3,ac3,wav,aac,aiff,au,cda,mp2

Total Video Converter supports generating the following file formats:

Outpu Video Formats:
. MPEG4(.mp4)
. 3gp(.3gp, 3g2)
. Game Psp(.psp)
. MPEG1(.mpg, mpeg)
. NTSC, PAL DVD mpeg
. NTSC, PAL VCD mpeg
. Ms Mpeg4 AVI(.avi)
. Divx AVI(.avi)
. Xvid AVI(.avi)
. H264 AVI(.avi)
. Mjpeg AVI(.avi)
. HuffYUV AVI(.avi)
. Swf Video(.swf)
. Flv Video (.flv)
. Gif Animation(.gif)
. Mpeg4 Mov(.mov)
. Apple Quicktime(.mov)
. FLIC format(.fli, .flc)
. Gif Animation(.gif)
. DV (.dv)

Outpu Audio Formats:
. MPEG audio(.mp3, mp2)
. Ms WAV(.wav)
. Ms WMA(.wma)
. OGG(.ogg)
. Amr audio(.amr)
. Amr audio(.awb)
. Mpeg4 audio(.m4a)


Folder Lock

Vista/2003/XP/2000/NT/Me/98/98S compatible and works on all kinds of disk types like FAT16, FAT32, NTFS. Folder Lock is the most downloaded file-security program in the market today.

More info:

Appz + Fix (3.85MB):


WindowBlinds is a program that enables Windows users to completely change the look and feel of Windows users interface. Users customize Windows by using visual styles (skins) created for WindowBlinds. With these skins, WindowsBlinds can change the look of Title bars, borders, Task bars, Start button, Start menu, Progress animations, Toolbar icons, Explorer Views, and virtually every other part of Windows!

WindowBlinds is the only program that can customize the GUI of WindowsXP without having to alter system DLLs.

WindowBlinds has been tested to ensure it works with Windows Vista, so you know it is compatible, reliable, and more secure.


App Only:


Stardock ObjectDock Plus 1.90 535u

ObjectDock is a program that enables users to organize their shortcuts, programs and running tasks into an attractive and fun animated Dock. By allowing users to have more control over how they organize their desktop, users can take control of their desktop icons and shortcuts to have them be available when where and how they need them. This, all with the unique style and top-rate performance that ObjectDock is known to deliver!
In constant development, ObjectDock and ObjectDock Plus are enhanced often to provide the most unique features of any stylized shortcut organizer / launcher available.

7-Zip 4.53

7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.

Compression ratio in the new 7z format is 30-50% better than ratio in ZIP format.

7-Zip works in Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Command line version of 7-Zip can be used in Linux via Wine program.7-Zip is the free file archiver with the highest compression ratio.

Usually 7-Zip compresses to 7z format 30-70% better than to zip format. And 7-Zip compresses to zip format 2-10% better than other zip compatible programs

Download Link:-

Partition Magic 8.05

* Divides a single hard drive into two or more partitions
* Lets you safely run multiple operating systems on the same PC
* BootMagicâ„¢ makes it easy to switch between different operating systems
* Allows you to copy, move, resize, split, or merge partitions as needed without losing data
* How-to wizards guide you step by step through the partitioning process
* Intuitive Windows®-based browser lets you find, copy and paste files in both Windows and Linux® partitions
* Allows you to create and modify partitions up to 300 GB*
* Supports USB 2.0, USB 1.1, and FireWire® external drives**
* Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, and Ext3 file systems
* Converts partitions among FAT, FAT32, and NTFS without losing data
* Allows you to enlarge an NTFS partition without restarting your computer
* Resizes NTFS system clusters to the most effective size

Download Link:-

Download Accelerator Plus Premium

DAP Features:
- Preview pane – Preview downloads of Music and Video files
- Download list - Advanced management of downloads queues, priorities and statuses
- File Information pane – Advanced information of downloaded files and sources
- Completed downloads list – Separate list of completed downloads
- DAP Drive integration – Save downloads and Upload files to DAP Drive web storage
- Media Center Tab – Conveniently manage your media files
- Superior Usability – New interface with flexible design options
- Integrates with all browsers – Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla/Firefox

Download Accelerator Plus registered version includes:
- Zip Extract - download & extract specific files from zip archive
- Removal of the Banner Advertisement within the application
- DAP Skin Selection
- Management of site passwords and other relevant info (unlimited)
- Tray icon minimization while downloading
- Prioritized technical support
- Extreme acceleration speed - for faster download rate

Only with DAP Premium:
- Extremely faster - x10 connections per download!
- Absolutely no advertisements!
- Totally customized download experience!
- Shredder to totally eliminate files you don't need!
- Trace Cleaner -keep your privacy after browsing!
- Preview & extract zip files while downloading!
- Cool new look, more comfortable management features!

Download Links:-

VirtualDrive® Pro 11.5

FarStone'€™s best CD/DVD emulator offers all the virtual CD features and disc support of VirtualDrive. But it also comes with a full version of Virtual Hard Drive Pro, which lets you run files and applications in RAM up to 340 times faster than on your hard drive.

VirtualDrive Pro 11.5 is a major product update with many new features, including ISO support and custom VCD cabinets.

Features & Benefits

* Virtual Hard Drive
Run your files and applications in RAM up to 340 times faster than on your hard drive
* Disc Support
VirtualDrive Pro reads CD-ROM discs, audio CDs, mixed-mode CDs, photo CDs, video CDs (DVD-ROMs data-mode), and unencrypted video DVDs, and offers the same game and disc support as VirtualDrive 11
* Free Live Update Subscription
Get the latest product features, patches, fixes, and game support. It’s free in all current versions of VirtualDrive Pro!
* Optimal Performance
Run games and applications as VCDs with access rates more than 200 times faster than physical discs. Plus, there’s no spin-up delay!
* CD/DVD Archiving
Organize your virtual CDs in a searchable library
* Intuitive GUI
VirtualDrive Pro’s streamlined, user-friendly interface gets you up and running in no time!
* Disc Backup
Protect your CDs and DVDs from loss, theft, and damage by using high-quality disc images (VCDs) instead
* Multiple Disc Play
Pre-load up to 23 virtual discs and toggle back and forth between games or virtual CD volumes without having to wait for physical discs to spin up
* Portability and Convenience
Transport your virtual CDs on a laptop, an external hard drive, and other common digital storage media
* Custom VCD Creation
Make a virtual CD file containing applications, documentation, expansion packs, etc. and share it over a network
* CD/DVD Burning
Burn data, music, and game CDs and DVDs directly from VirtualDrive, and make backup copies of your favorite game discs

Windows Vista Support
VirtualDrive works on 64 and 32-bit Windows Vista, XP, 2000, and Server 2003

Download Link:-

Grease Monkey

Greasemonkey Hacks is an invaluable compendium 100 ingenious hacks for power users who want to master Greasemonkey, the hot new Firefox extension that allows you to write scripts that alter the web pages you visit. With Greasemonkey, you can create scripts that make a web site more usable, fix rendering bugs that site owners can't be bothered to fix themselves, or add items to a web site's menu bar. You can alter pages so they work better with technologies that speak a web page out loud or convert it to Braille. Greasemonkey gurus can even import, combine, and alter data from different web sites to meet their own specific needs.
Greasemonkey has achieved a cult-like following in its short lifespan, but its uses are just beginning to be explored. Let's say you're shopping on an e-commerce site. You can create a script that will automatically display competitive prices for that particular product from other web sites. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and your Greasemonkey expertise. Greasemonkey Hacks can't help you with the imagination part, but it can provide the expert hacks-complete with the sample code-you need to turn your brainstorms into reality.

More than just an essential collection of made-to-order Greasemonkey solutions, Greasemonkey Hacks is crammed with sample code, a Greasemonkey API reference, and a comprehensive list of resources, to ensure that every resource you need is available between its covers.

Some people are content to receive information from websites passively; some people want to control it. If you are one of the latter, Greasemonkey Hacks provides all the clever customizations and cutting-edge tips and tools you need to take command of any web page you view.

Web page maker 2.5

Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page editor that allows you to create and upload web pages in minutes without knowing HTML. Simply drag and drop objects onto the page and position them freely in the layout. It comes with several pre-designed templates that help you to get started. It also includes ready-to-use navigation bars that can be inserted into the page. Additional features include built-in color picker, Java script library, image library and built-in FTP client.

Main Features
-No html coding is required and you do not need any web experience.
-Drag and drop the objects. True WYSIWYG layout & design.
-Create websites with multiple pages and easily manage your site at once.
-Pre-designed website templates included.
-Change the color of linked text on mouse over,etc.
-Ready-to-use Java Script effects are offered.
-Hundreds of functions: thumbnail, mouse-over effects, ready-to-use -Java Script effects, text link style sheet, tables, forms, iFrames and much more…
-Preview web pages in browser with one-click.
-Publish your web site with just one-click.


Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX v3.5

Quick Details

File Name: SFU35SEL_EN.exe
Version: 3.5
Date Published: 9/21/2006
Language: English
Download Size: 217.6 MB


Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 provides a full range of supported and fully integrated cross-platform network services for enterprise customers to use in integrating Windows into their existing UNIX-based environments.

System Requirements

* Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000; Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP.
* The minimum system requirements for installing Windows Services for UNIX depends on which components you are installing and the file system of the disk where the components will be installed.
* The maximum disk space required to install all Windows Services for UNIX components is approximately 275 MB. The minimum disk space required is 19 MB.

Note: The product will not install on Windows 9x or Windows XP Home Edition.

Homepage and more info here:

Download it from here:

Opera Browser

Opera Browser

Why Opera? Safe, secure, powerful and fully customizable, the Opera Web browser is faster and more secure than other browsers available on the market. Opera delivers robust security and a far-richer feature set than any other Web browser and it's free.Moreover u can browse through all the wapsites as well .

Opera is the Web pioneer that delivered tabbed browsing in 2000, and Opera 9.2 features lots of other great tricks for quick navigation, including Speed Dial, a quick way to put all of your favorite daily sites at your fingertips. You can also take, save and trade Notes attached to any Web site while browsing, or Create Search shortcuts from any search field on the Web. Opera 9.25 is super fast and free, secure and stable, and offers lots of great tools for Web Developers.

1. Opera 9.50b English
File Size :- 4.52 MB

2. Opera 9.25 International
File Size :- 5.44 MB

Turbo C++

Turbo C++
Download Link:

App get

App get
An application which scans the installed softwares on the system n provides with
required updates n upgrades.
Download Link:

Adobe Photoshop CS 3

Adobe Photoshop CS 3
-Adobe Photoshop CS3 software, the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line Adobe Photoshop software, the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave.
-Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented
adaptability will let you custom-fit Photoshop exactly to the way you work. And with
more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.
Download Links:

Adobe reader 8

Adobe reader 8
Adobe® Reader® software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is
the only PDF viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search, digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.
Download Link:

Text To speech Maker

Text To speech Maker
Download Link:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Quick Heal Total Security 2007

Quick Heal Total Security 2007
Download Link: